Every once in a while, you'll probably have occasion to perform some basic maintenance on the database and the records within them. This can include re-indexing it, removing some old data, or detaching it for the purpose of copying. All these commands, and more, are part of the Maintain Company File dialog. To open this dialog, just choose Maintain... from the File menu.
The dialog contains two tabs, Maintenance and Advanced.
The tools on the Maintenance tab are as follows:
Re-index Company File. As time goes on and data is added to the database, the data file will start to grow a bit sluggish. Re-indexing the file reorders the current data set in such a way that records can be found much more efficiently. Especially if you're starting to notice a slowdown, you'll want to occasionally give the Re-index button a click to maintain maximum responsiveness. You'll get a confirmation message when the process is complete.
Replace Deleted Items. When working with the two applications, it's possible that Items that have been part of transactions have been deleted in QB. You can use this command to replace those deleted Items with new or current ones, so long as they're the same Item Type as the ones that were removed.
Condense Company
File. If you've been working with All Orders for a while, you might
notice that searches are slowing down considerably due to the sheer girth
of the file. This command will let you purge older transactions to reduce
the file size a bit.
NOTE: We generally recommend hanging onto data as long as you
have the space. You'll never know when an old transaction will come in
handy for whatever reason. Before removing any older transactions, see
if you can't first speed things up by re-indexing the company file (see
Delete Company File. If the current file is unsalvageable for some reason, click this button to be rid of it forever. You'll get one of those "Are you sure?" warning dialogs. Click Yes if you are.
Moving on to the Advanced tab, you have additional (lesser-used) options here for working with the data file and the information in it.
Modify Server
Settings. This handy command will bring up the server settings
you specified when first creating
your company file. You'll see a dialog that looks like this...
...where you'll be able to select your NCD and database (MDF) files.
You also have options for changing the SQL Server (if you happen to have
more than one) as well as entering the login details.
Detach Company File. When you created your data file for All Orders, it was attached to your SQL Server so that it could be accessed. However, in order to move that database, it must first be detached from the server. To do this, just click the Detach button.
Attach Company File. Of course, if you detach a file, it'll need to be reattached before you can actually use it again. You'll have a chance to adjust any server settings during the process.
Clear Company File Transactions. This command is used for the rare event that you'll want to hang onto your main entity data, but wish to get rid of the transactions that link them.
Clear Company File Data. This is the big red button that essentially purges all data in the current data file. Preferences will be kept.