The Lists Menu consists of all the entity and transaction Lists available in All Orders 5. It is divided into the following subsections:
The four major entities, which are look-up tables that comprise the bulk of your non-transaction data, namely...
Items. The parts, kits, assemblies, and services that you're making available to your customer base.
Customers. The database of those customers with whom you do business.
Vendors. Those who supply the items you sell.
Locations. Your offices, warehouses, and production facilities.
Sales lists.
Sales Orders. Tracks all goods and services ordered by your customers.
Quotes. This table tracks all estimates that have been provided to customers.
Ship Docs. The Ship Docs table tracks all items (usually from a Sales Order) that have actually been shipped to a customer. Ship Docs are required in order to ship any item or service.
Customer Returns. The other half of the equation. This table tracks returned items.
Batch Shipments. Keeps track of order shipments that have been batch processed.
Purchasing lists.
Purchase Orders. Provides a list of the orders you've placed with Vendors, including the products ordered, quantities, costs, and logistics.
Receiving Docs. This table tracks the actual items received from Vendors.
Vendor Returns. Keeps track of any items you've sent back to a Vendor.
Production lists.
Work Orders. This table lists all labor-related orders, including any needed components and the steps or activities required to complete it.
Disassemblies. A list of the assembled Finished Goods requiring disassembly into its individual components. It is the opposite of a Work Order.
Warehousing lists.
Location Transfers. Maintains a record of all Items requiring shipment from one of your locations to another.
Quantity Adjustments. A table showing all instances of when Item quantities have been adjusted up or down.
Value Adjustments. Tracks all inventory value adjustments.