Performing an inventory count

Periodically you will need to count inventory and adjust quantities.   In All Orders this is done with count screen.   To create a new count,  form the click Warehouse --> New Qty. Count.    After selecting the Location, the quantities for all the items within that location as of the Count Date will appear.

The following should be kept in mind regarding counts.

  1. Counts are location specific, if you have more than one location you will need to create a count for each.

  2. Only one count per location can be open at one time.    A count is open if it has not been finalized.

  3. You cannot change the Location or the Count date once the count has been saved.

  4. Leaving the New Qty blank means the item has not been counted.

  5. There is one row for each Item,Bin,Lot/Serial #

  6. The Current Qty is the quantity on hand NOT quantity available.  See understanding quantities.

Once you added the location and count date, completing the count is straight forward.   For each row enter either the New Qty or Difference.    When you have completed the count click Activities --> Finalize which will create an adjustment for all items having a quantity differences.

If an item,bin,lot/serial # combination is not on the count,  click Activities --> Add Item.

If you are using bar code,  you can scan (or type and tab) the items, bin and if applicable the lot or serial #.   By default All Orders expects the first scan to be the Item although you can change this by toggling the 'Scan By' options.

The filter tab allows you to shorten the # of items in the shown on the grid.