With All Orders 5, now your sales representatives can access their most frequently used commands inside one handy menu. The available commands are as follows:
New Customer. Adds a new Customer record to the All Orders database.
New Item (Ctrl+I). Allows you add a new part, kit, assembly, or service that you plan on obtaining from a Vendor and/or selling to a Customer.
New Sales Order (Ctrl+S). Initiates a transaction of selling goods and/or services to a Customer.
New Quote. A form that gives the Customer an estimate of the total price for the goods and services in which they're interested.
New Ship Doc. A transaction that details the goods that actually go out to a Customer at any one time.
New Customer Return. Use this transaction whenever the Customer wishes to return Items.
New Batch Shipment. Allows you to process multiple orders at once, potentially creating numerous Ship Docs at the same time.
Customers. The database of those customers with whom you do business.
Items. The parts, kits, assemblies, and services that you're making available to your customer base.
Sales Orders. Tracks all goods and services ordered by your customers.
Quotes. This table tracks all estimates that have been provided to customers.
Ship Docs. The Ship Docs table tracks all items (usually from a Sales Order) that have actually been shipped to a customer. Ship Docs are required in order to ship any item or service.
Customer Returns. The other half of the equation. This table tracks returned items.
Batch Shipments. Keeps track of order shipments that have been batch processed.
Profile Lists. All the sales-related profile lists that support the main lists. This includes Customer Types, FOBs, Price Levels, Discounts, Shipping Methods, Payment Methods, and Terms.
Sales Reports. The reports that pertain to sales are available here. You can get the scoop on all reports, including sales-related reports, on the Available Reports screen.