Filtering Data

In the image below, there are three columns. The left column lists the available fields you might want to filter on. The right column contains the existing filters for the current report. The middle column, called the Criteria List, is where you specify which range of values in the current field are (or are not) desired in the report. And the final column shows you exactly which filters are now in place.

Suppose I wanted to filter a sales order report for a specific customer, I would do so as follows

  1. Click on the Filter tab

  2. On the fields list select 'Customer'

  3. Click the name of the customer in the Criteria List (hint click and hold the Ctrl button to select multiple customers)

  4. Click the Add Filter button.

  5. Click the Preview tab

You can repeat the above for multiple fields (for example Customer and Order Date).   

You can also save your filter.  Saving a filter is useful when you want to look at a sub-set of data on a specific report.   For example, you may want to create multiple version of a sales order report, one for each sales rep.   You can first create a copy of the one of the standard reports (e.g. Sales Order by Rep) and then apply as show above. After you click the Add Filter button, click the Save Filter button.    


Reports can be filtered by almost any field.  When the 'Filters' tab is selected, a list of available fields to filter by is shown. By default, the first item in the list is selected and the criteria is shown in the second list.  For example, When the 'Sales Orders - By Order No' report is selected and the 'Filter' tab is clicked, the 'Available Field' list shows all the fields that can be filtered. The first field, 'Doc No', is automatically selected and a range of values is shown in the Criteria list.  

Data can be of three different types: text, numeric, and date. Each of these is selected in different ways.

When you select filtering criteria for a field (no matter what type) and then move on to another field, the previous field will now sport a red background color to show that there is criteria selected that will be applied to the report. All fields that have criteria selected will have a red background color.

Note: Some data such as Item names may have values that look numeric, such as '101', but it is still treated as text.

Filtering Text Data

When a text field is selected from the 'Available Fields' list, a list of available text values is displayed in the criteria list.

To select a single text value, click on the value in the criteria list to highlight it.  To select other values in the list, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the desired values.  To deselect a value, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the selected value.  If a value is clicked without holding the Ctrl key (and other values are selected, all previously selected values will be deselected).

There are several ways to select more than one text criteria.  To select a range of values, drag the mouse from the first desired value to the last desired value.  This will highlight all values in between.  Another way to select a range of values is to click on the first desired value, scroll to the last desired value, hold the Shift key and click on the last desired value.  This will also highlight all values in between.  

It is even possible to select multiple ranges of values, such as 1-3, 5-7.  First select the first range of values as stated above.  Next, go to the first value in the next range, and then hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the next range.

Text Search

Some lists of values can be very long and be cumbersome to find and select.  To make selecting values easier, use the Show Search feature.  

When the 'Show Search' button is clicked, a box and two buttons appear.  Type the text to search for and click 'Apply'.  All values matching the text are now selected.  Click 'Clear All' to start a new search.

Filtering Numeric Data

When a selected field is numeric two boxes appear.  The first box is a drop down list of operators (>,<,=, etc.) and the second box is to input the value.  Most of the operators are standard mathematical symbols.  Also, the first and last values are displayed for information purposes only.




Greater than or equal to


Less than or equal to




Does not equal


Greater than


Less than


A range of values


Enter specific values


Clears all criteria


Aside from the basic operators, there are two other choices: From and Select.

Use 'From' to select one range of values.  When 'From' is selected a second box appears.  Type in the values and they will be applied to the report.  Note:  the numbers entered are included.  For example, if "From 3 to 10" is entered, both 3 AND 10 are included.

Use 'Select' to select specific values.  This is similar to selecting pages when printing from other programs.  Multiple values or even ranges of values can be entered.  Values and ranges are separated by commas.  For example, in the Work Order - Details report, filtering on the Work Order number,  entering '2-5, 11, 14-18' will bring up Work Orders 2,3,4,5,11,14,15,16,17 and 18.

Filtering By Date

Filtering by Date is exactly like filtering by numbers except that a button appears next to the box that brings up a calendar for selecting a date, and the 'Select' option is not available.

Use 'From' to select one range of dates.  When 'From' is selected, a second box appears.  Type in the dates and they will be applied to the report.  Note: the dates entered are included.  For example, if "From 61/2003 to 6/15/2003" is entered, both 6/1/2003 AND 6/15/2003 are included.