
Using the Find function you can location inventory within a specific location.   Using the find feature you can:

  1. Find all items and quantities in a specific Bin.

  2. Find in which bins a particular Item is located.

  3. Find in which bins a particular Lot / Serial # is location.


In the above example,  I used the radio button to indicate that I want to find all the items in Bin B.   Clicking Cancel will navigate the user back to Warehousing Menu.   When the user clicks Go,  All Orders Mobile will send a request to the All Orders database for the items and quantities contained in Bin B.   Afer a few moments you will see the Status Grid Find Results as follows.

Note: The quantities showed here represents QUANTITY ON HAND not AVAILABLE!!

You could also select the Item or Lot/Ser # radio button and search for their bins.   In the following example I searched for Item 2730-M.

After a few moments you will see the Status Grid Find Results as follows:

On the Status Grid Find Results screen you can press ok in the top left corner to return to the Find screen or you can perform a number of different activities by selecting an Activity from the drop down list and clicking the Go button.   The selected activity will be performed on row that is highlighted on the grid.  For example in the above grid,  the Row with Bin A is highlighted.

The available selections are as follows:



Move To Bin

Will move the entire quantity shown from the Bin shown to another Bin that you will enter or scan.

Move Partially To Bin

Will move the quantity that you will enter from the Bin shown to another Bin that you will enter or scan.

Transfer To Location

Will move the entire quantity shown from the Bin and Location shown to another Location and Bin that you will enter or scan.

Trans Partially To Location

Will move the quantity that you will enter from the Bin and Location shown to another Location and Bin that you will enter or scan.

Add to Inventory

Will add the quantity of the Item you enter to the selected Bin.

Deduct from Inventory

Will deduct the quantity of the Item you enter to the selected Bin.