It's all a numbers game

August 12, 2016 at 8:00 AMJoshua Goldberg

Hey Crunchers, I Hope everyone's saying T.G.I.F. and is looking forward to the start of the weekend! As usual, its been a hectic and busy week here at the NumberCruncher offices. Other then our normal daily workload, we have been working on some new and exciting projects, that I know everyone here can't wait to announce! Make sure to follow our blog, our social media channels and your email inboxes for all these upcoming announcements.

As the end of the year starts to roll around, your company will start to reevaluate your software choices. Maybe in years past you just went with the software that you already knew. This year take a leap out of your comfort zone, and give All Orders by NumberCruncher a try!  To guarantee our software is a perfect fit for your company, we require all new users to have a hour-long software demo, with our CEO or CTO. We do this to make sure our customers know the ins-and-outs of our software, as well as, it allows all future clients a platform to ask any questions they may have about the software or what it does. After this demo, we supply you with a 30-day no commitment FREE trial of the software, so you can see just how beneficial All Orders by NumberCruncher really is! After that trial, you can decide to join the Cruncher family and pay a one time fee for the software, which includes your first year of support. After the first year, you just pay a yearly fee for support. All software updates are included in your yearly support plan! To help our clients know exactly how much they will be paying with us, we have created our Pricing Calculator and positioned it right on our website, so new clients can see exactly how much they will be spending.



Simply fill out the form and it will tell you what your initial cost will be and what your reoccurring yearly maintenance plan will be. 

If you are interested in scheduling a demo of All Orders, please click HERE or give us a call at 1-866-CRUNCHER, Today! 

Here at, we truly feel we would be nothing without our loyal clients. This is the reason that we strive for the best customer service and always put our customers first! If you EVER have any questions, comments or concerns please immediately call us at 1-866-CRUNCHER (278-6243) or email us at Our office hours are Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm EST. If you email/call after business hours, someone will contact you within 2 business days. If you are having issues and need help sooner, please call us back at the start of the following business day, so we can attempt to solve your issue immediately. 

RefreshRelax & Reconnect 


As mentioned in our last blog, will be having our 1st annual NumberCruncher Retreat, this upcoming February in SUNNY & WARM Ft. Lauderdale, FL! Details will be announced & registration will open on September 1st, but as a loyal Cruncher blog reader, you are getting an exclusive! The Retreat will be the beginning of February 2017! Our blog post on Friday September 2nd will have a full preview of the event, but in the meantime, follow our Retreat twitter at @NCRetreat2017 for the latest news!


$100,000 Small Business App Showdown

at QuickBooks Connect 2016


Finally this week, I just wanted to remind everyone about the Intuit App Challenge. All Orders by NumberCruncher was selected as a participant for this years showdown, which is held at QuickBooks Connect in San Jose, California in October. The voting for the event is August 16th through the 31st. On Monday, I will be publishing a special blog post on how to vote for All Orders by We really need all our Loyal Cruncher Family to support us and vote once per day, so we can show the entire QuickBooks community that NumberCruncher is a dominate force in the Inventory Software space! Please check back on Monday and follow our Twitter, Facebook & Linkedin pages for the latest information on the event.

Also, I know i wrote in the last blog post, I would include a sneak peek of Order Time, but I promise the wait will be worth it! Keep checking back & follow our Order Time Twitter for the latest on this revolutionary new software being brought to you by!

Keep pushing through those Friday feelings and I Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

The Summer Crunch

July 25, 2016 at 8:37 AMJoshua Goldberg

Hey Everyone! Hope you enjoyed your weekend and are ready for another busy work week! I know the NumberCruncher blog has been on a bit of a hiatus the last couple of weeks, but we're back and ready to Crunch through these long hot South Florida summer days. During these summer months our Support Team has been hard at work answering our current clients questions and helping setup All Orders by NumberCruncher on new client's networks. The grind never seems to slow down at our offices, especially during summer, when companies are reevaluating their current Inventory Management software and are deciding if its up-to-par or if their needs are not being met or satisfied. If your company is in the midst of reevaluating your software, please remember that NumberCruncher provides all prospective clients with an hour-long demo to make sure our software is a perfect fit, as well as, a 30-day no commitment FULL software trial before you decide to buy. We don't want your company buying our software, if it isn't the ideal fit for your business. To Learn more about ALL ORDERS please click HERE or give us a call at 866-278-6243 TODAY!

Recently, All Orders by NumberCruncher got featured on a number of websites. To begin the month, wrote a review and named ALL ORDERS as one of their Rising Stars for 2016. Finances Online also recognized All Orders with their Great User Experience Certificate & Award. would like to thank for recognizing us and writing a review on All Orders. Finances Online is the fastest growing independent review platform for B2B, SaaS and Financial Solutions.  

Also this month, Scott Gregory of Better Bottom Line: the QuickBooks Expert, included NumberCruncher in his "Can QuickBooks Handle My Inventory?" guide. Scott is a certified QuickBooks Expert who has worked with QuickBooks software for 15+ years and knows a thing or two about QuickBooks add-on solutions. For him to feature NumberCruncher is his guide, is a big deal to us!


To check out the FREE Inventory guide or to learn more about QuickBooks solutions, please visit BetterBottomLine's website HERE.



Refresh, Relax & Reconnect at the 2017 NumberCruncher Retreat

The NumberCruncher team has also started planning a NumberCruncher Retreat here in Sunny South Florida, during the rough Winter months. Details are being finalized and you can expect an official announcement VERY SOON! If you are interested in attending or know someone in your company who will be interested, please send me an email at with the details, so i can add you to our Pre-Announcement Blast. By being a part of our Pre-Announcement Blast, you will be the first to receive the event flyer and registration information, ALSO, you will receive a special prize during the Retreat, for being part of our Pre-Announcement Blast List.

The purpose of this Retreat is too allow our clients a refresher on the NumberCruncher family of products, an introduction to our NEWEST software and most importantly a chance for us to reconnect with our loyal customer base, in a relaxing, stress-free, Sunny and HOT environment; while the rest of the country is getting hit by Winter storms. 

Follow our Blog, Website and Social Media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin Company Page, Linkedin Group) to stay up-to-date on the latest developments of the NumberCruncher Retreat. 



Finally this week, NumberCruncher has entered our All Orders software into the 2016 $100,000 Intuit Developer Small Business APP Showdown with the winner being announced at QuickBooks Connect 2016 being held in October in San Jose, California.


More information on how to vote, will be published in an upcoming BLOG post, an email blast & our Facebook/Twitter pages. In Order to WIN, we're going to need the help of our Loyal Cruncher Family! Please follow our Blog/Social Media pages, to find out about some perks we are offering for those clients who vote for us, in the $100,000 Intuit Developer Small Business APP Showdown

The next NumberCruncher Blog will feature a sneak peek of our newest software, that we are releasing at the beginning of next year (2017)! Make sure you check back next week for the latest on Order Time!

How to Include Employee Costs in BOMs

May 6, 2016 at 3:02 PMThomas Riemann

Hello everyone. Welcome back to the NumberCruncher Blog. As most of you know, My name is Tom and I am the trainer/support tech here at NumberCruncher. If you need to learn how to do something in the All Order's software, I'm your guy! Remember, if you are struggling with something in the All Order's software, please give us a call @ 866-278-6243. We can set up a training session with you and your company remotely. So make sure you build up those questions and give us a call to set up your session today! That's not what brings me to the blog today. What I would like to talk about today is something that customers ask about all the time, "How do I include employee Costs in BOM's." So sit back and enjoy the read!

Our first step is to create an item that we can put into a BOM. We're going to create a new item called "Labor" (or whatever you would like). This item should either be a non-inventory part, service or other charge group. If you are creating this item in QuickBooks, check the "This service is performed by a Sub-contractor, owner or partner." Next, go to the purchasing tab, enter the cost. The cost should estimate the hourly wages and benefits. Of course, we're going to need to select an income account and an expense account. For income, you can select any of them. For the expense account, create a new account Called "Salaries Applies to Finished Goods". Save and close this item.

Now it is time to include this newly created item in the appropriate Bill of Materials. Go to a finished good item and edit the BOM's. Simply add this item to the component lists. Save and close. Now we can start using this finished good on a work order that will include this new Labor Item's cost.

When you finish a production, the labor cost will be deducted from Salaries Applied to Finished Goods expense and included in the cost of your finished product. Now if the salaries account is greater than the Salaries Applied to Finished Goods, this means that a) you have processed payroll but have not yet finished the product or b) the Cost amount on the item is too low. If the Salaries account is less than the Salaries Applied to Finished Goods this means that either a) you have finished product but have not yet processed payroll or b) the "Cost" amount on the item is too high.

Well, I hope this has cleared any confusion you might have with creating Employee Costs in BOM's. If you still have some question's, place a comment below, and I will answer your question directly. You can also send us an email Support. It's Friday! Take some time to yourself this weekend and get ready for Monday! Enjoy!



How to add users in All Orders!

April 27, 2016 at 1:45 PMThomas Riemann

Happy day to everyone!

The Manage Users command, available from the Company menu, allows you to set access levels for every individual in your organization who will be accessing the All Orders system, including sales, administration, production teams, etc. This must be done separately within All Orders, as the application does not make use of QuickBooks user profiles.

By default, only the Admin account exists. This account does not initially have a password. If you're going to be setting up a multi-user environment, then this is the first thing you'll want to remedy. Administrators have complete access to the program and its data, and only administrators can view, add, edit, or delete users and user rights. As such, this account needs to be well-protected with a strong password. Type a password into the Password field, and then retype it in the Confirm Password field.

Once you've protected your Admin account, it's time to add other users. Choose Save & New from the Save drop-down list button. You'll then be required to choose a User Name and Password as well as set access privileges.

After entering the unique user name and password, click the Access Levels tab.

On this screen you can assign access levels to various parts of the program as follows:

  • No Access. User cannot edit or even read the list.

  • Read-Only Access. User can access the data, but cannot make edits.

  • Full-Access. User can access the data and has full write privileges for making edits.


Then click the Rights tab and complete the user rights:

  1. This user is connected to QuickBooks option appropriately. Unchecking this option disables synchronization with QuickBooks.   See Synchronizing with QuickBooks on different strategies for QuickBooks exchanging information with QuickBooks.  

  1. There are numerous check boxes that can be used to grant/restrict access to the user in question, such as the ability to delete records or approve Sales Orders. Check all the boxes that apply.

  2. In addition to these check boxes, All Orders also sports two special filters: by Sales Rep, and by Location. For example, if you want to restrict an employee's data access to a customers having a particular sales rep.

  3. Choose either Save & Close to save your work and exit the dialog, or Save & New to save the current user and move on to the next one.

Well that is all for today! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Make sure to contact us if you have and Questions. or call us @ 866-278-6243.

New feature - Custom Messages

March 18, 2016 at 3:05 PMThomas Riemann

          Good afternoon! Happy Friday everyone! As you guy's already may know, we recently released a new version of the All Orders software, Version 6.2.3. I recommend everyone download this update. We believe that All Order's is the # 1 Inventory System on the web today! We strive to come out with these updates as frequent as possible to improve our Inventory System and add key features that you may have requested. Speaking of requesting features, have you seen our feature request on Now our software has many many features but let's face it, as smart as we are, we can't think of everything. So if there is anything that is not in the All Order's software currently, submit a feature request! Not every feature will be able to make it in but if it gets enough user votes, you may see it in the next update!

          Ok, let's get to the point of this post. Let's talk about a feature that many of you have requested, Custom E-mail templates. To get to this new feature in the newest update, go to List - Profile Lists - Sales - Custom Messages. This feature will allow you to add a custom message when you are e-mailing the invoice to a customer. When creating a new custom message, you now have the ability to select which report you would like this custom message to be associated with. For instance, let's say you are e-mailing a Sales Order report to a customer, you can create a custom message to appear every time you e-mail that Sales Order report to the customer. Every time we e-mail this to a customer we want it to say Thanks for your business! Have a great day. We would simply put that in as a new note and simply select which report its tied too below. Additionally, we can add selected information to be displayed in the custom message. Similar to our reporting system, we can add fields to this custom message. Lets say we want all the item's on this sales order to appear in the e-mail as well. We would simply add this field like this: [ITEM]. Since we have multiple line item's on the sales order, were going to tell the system to bring all those item's into the e-mail. We would set this up like this:  [LINE][ITEM][/LINE]. What that will do is list all the item's on the report. I have created an example of a complete custom message:

Shipping Notification


Number Cruncher Inc.

123456 Street Road

Hollywood, FL 12345

Phone (000) 000-0000 Fax (000) 000-0000







Your order [DOCNO] shipped [SHIPDATE].

Here is your tracking#: [SHIPDOCREF]


          Stay tuned for next week's blog post! I will be going over why our software is the best inventory software out on the web. I will be going over some of the features All Order's has that many other inventory software might not include. Well, I hope you guy's have a great weekend! Talk to you Soon!

What is a Consignment? How do I ship out item's?

February 19, 2016 at 3:50 PMThomas Riemann

Hello, and welcome back to the NumberCruncher Blog! Hope all of you are doing well and you business is thriving! Today I would like to talk about a feature in All Order's called Consignments. You might be asking yourself "What is a Consignment?" Consignment is the act of consigning, the act of giving over to another person or agent's charge, custody or care any material or goods but retaining legal ownership until the material or goods are sold. 

We have a perfect feature in our system for this. To start a new consignment, go to Sales - New Consignment. But lets not get ahead of ourselves. Before we get that started, you will want to make sure you set up the default location for the specific customer. You can do that by going to the customer screen, clicking the Shipping Info tab, and selecting that default location. You will want to make sure you set that location to the location where your quantity is. The reason why you have to set that up before is because only those customers with the default location set will appear in the drop down. Ok, back to the consignment. Once you add a customer and a location, all the items in that location will populate. You can use the filter tab to filter for a specific item on the list. This is where you will be able to pick and choose what item to send and how much QTY to send. You will enter this info under the ship doc column. Once you have selected that information, we can go ahead and go to Activities - Finalize. Now a Ship Doc will be created for that customer for those items. Next week, I will talk about how to get those item's that didn't sell back from that customer. Stay tuned!

Well, that is all for today. I hope you guy's have a great weekend! Remember if you have any questions, head over to our website. As always you can always e-mail customer support at or call us (866) 278-6243.

All Orders!

January 22, 2016 at 10:44 AMThomas Riemann

Welcome back! Hope everyone had a great week! I know some of you guy's that live up north are getting hammered with some pretty intense snow. I feel your pain, I was born and raised is South New Jersey so I know how a snow storm's can destroy a mood. I guess since you guy's will be snowed in all weekend, you might want some good reading material. Well, recently in the past 2 weeks, All Orders has been featured on They have written a great article about the All Orders program that I would love for you guy's to check out.

That isn't all, All Orders is now on Click the link to see an over view of the All Orders program and how it works with Quickbooks. Take a look at our pricing, as you can see we offer training hours based off how many user's. We also include unlimited technical support and software upgrades. To find out more about our program please visit us, NumberCruncher.

Well that is all for today's blog. Make sure you check out those links so you can read up on all our key features! Next week, I will be back talking about some of our smaller features within the All Orders software. Get ready to learn about Lot/Serial #'s on Next weeks Blog! Everyone, if you are getting hit with snowy weather, please be safe out there!. Till Next week! Farewell!


Multiple Warehouse Locations

December 8, 2015 at 11:04 AMThomas Riemann

Hey Guy's! Happy Friday! Hope everyone had an outstanding week! Firstly, welcome back to the NumberCruncher blog. Before we get into our next blog topic, take a second and head over to the NEW NumberCruncher website. We redesigned it and we think it looks great. Tell us what you think about it in the comments below! Thanks for taking a look!

Ok, so lets talk little about Locations.

A Location can be anything you store inventory in. An example of a location may be your main warehouse or another warehouse located in a different state. It also may be a customer that you drop ship to.

You can access the Location tab either from the company home screen or Warehouse – New Location. This will allow you to add new facility locations as needed.  All you have to do is enter a Location name and then specify whether you would like it to be listed as available.

The first tab you will see is “The address Information tab” this is pretty much self explanatory, this is the address of the location. If it is a customer, say for a drop ship, you can copy the customers or vendors address by click the Copy from Customer or Copy from Vendor. That will bring up a menu where you can select the customer and its address.

The next tab is called Bins. This allows you to create a location within a location. This will help out your shippers while they are picking the product. You can place the bin number on the pick ticket so they know exactly where the item is located within your warehouse. This doesn’t have to be a physical bin it could be and place where the product is being stored. To add a new bin, click the line below Default. Next, type in the name of the bin of your choice. You can now select if the bin is available or you can mark if this is your default bin.

If you need to delete a bin, all you have to do is click the delete button.

Save an close and you are finished.

That pretty much sum's up Locations. I hope this helped your company understand Locations a bit better. As always, I invite you to check out some of our video tutorials. They are a great help to new comers to All Orders. Make sure you check them out. Of course if you have some issues or question's about anything related to Locations or All Orders in general, please give our customer support line a call - (866) 278-6243. You can send us an email also - I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy!


NumberCruncher Compatible With QuickBooks Online

June 17, 2015 at 4:45 PMRachel

NumberCruncher is pleased to announce its flagship product, All Orders, is now compatible with QuickBooks Online following the release of All Orders Version 6.1.91.  

Ian Benoliel, Founder and CEO of NumberCruncher, says “[I'm] feeling positive, there have been a lot of people that have requested an integration with QuickBooks Online and to meet growing customer demands, we implemented it."

The advanced order and inventory management solutions from NumberCruncher bridges the gap between business accounting and business success. For 15 years, NumberCruncher has been integrated with the QuickBooks Desktop line and is proud to continue providing inventory and order management controls for QuickBooks Online users.

QuickBooks Online, performs the functions of the desktop versions of QuickBooks but offers increased flexibility and new capabilities. Users can work with QuickBooks from anywhere; PC, Mac, smartphones and tablets are compatible.

Representatives from NumberCruncher will be at Scaling New Heights 2015 in New Orleans, June 22-24, to answer questions about All Orders and to demonstrate how the software works. The booth number is 52. 

A free trial version of All Orders can be downloaded from the NumberCruncher website.

NumberCruncher is a leading provider of inventory and order management software for the QuickBooks community. Founded in 1999, NumberCruncher was the first to develop an inventory add-on for QuickBooks. The NumberCruncher team draws from a wide range of manufacturing, supply-chain, statistics, technology and accounting expertise.

Thousands of product-based businesses rely on NumberCruncher solutions to manage their everyday business activities across the globe. From inventory control to production management to order processing and fulfillment, these solutions deliver big business functionality to small-to-medium sized businesses at an affordable price.

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