All Orders 5 now splits all purchasing commands into a single menu. The available commands are as follows:
New Vendor. Adds a new vendor with whom you plan on doing business to your All Orders database.
New Item (Ctrl+I). Allows you add a new part, kit, assembly, or service that you plan on obtaining from a Vendor and/or selling to a Customer.
New Purchase Order (Ctrl-U). Initiates a transaction of purchasing Items from a Vendor.
New Receiving Doc. A transaction that details the goods that are actually received from a Vendor at any one time.
New Vendor Return. Use this transaction whenever you wish to return Items.
Run Analysis. Create an entire batch of Purchase Orders (or Work Orders) at once based on the Items you need at the time.
Vendors. Those who supply the items you sell.
Items. The parts, kits, assemblies, and services that you're making available to your customer base.
Purchase Orders. Provides a list of the orders you've placed with Vendors, including the products ordered, quantities, costs, and logistics.
Receiving Docs. This table tracks the actual items received from Vendors.
Vendor Returns. Keeps track of any items you've sent back to a Vendor.
Profile Lists. The sales-related profile lists that support the main lists. This currently only includes the Vendor Types profile list.
Purchasing Reports. The reports that pertain to purchasing are available here. You can get the scoop on all reports, including purchasing-related reports, on the Available Reports screen.