Adding Items to a transaction


Adding a new Item


Before adding any item, complete the Required Fields (*)  such as Customer/Vendor Names, location, ship to location etc.. Doc No. will automatically assigned and cannot be changed.




Items can be added to a transaction in 3  different ways - by scanning the bar code, typing the item name or selecting from a list.



Every transaction has a text box labeled as Item  above the detailed section in the Item Tab.  You may type in  Item name directly in the box, or place the cursor inside the box and scan the bar code.  Item will be added to the grid  with quantity one and other details, if it is a valid item. Quantity will be increased by one if the item is already present in the grid.


Alternatively you may select the item from a List by using Item List button. Please refer to documentation on  List  for more details on  how to find an item and add it to a transaction.


Changing the item detail


An item will be added to the grid with the default details from the database.  You can change these on the Item editor screen. Tap twice (double click)  on any line in the grid.  Item Editor will be opened. According to the transaction the  Tabs in the editor screen varies. The item editor opened from a  Sales Order, Purchase Order  will have Details, Ship Dates, Custom, comment, ShipTo Locations and ItemStatus tabs.




Details : Sales description, price and quantity can be edited from this tab. Use the down arrow to edit the numbers on quantity field.


Ship Dates : This shows the shipping date for  the selected item. To add a new shipping date, select a new date from the Date field, enter quantity to be shipped and press Add button. A new line will be added to detailed grid.

To edit the quantity, double click on the line. Quantity will be copied to the above text box. Change quantity and  press Edit button. The changes will be updated on the grid. To change the shipping date, delete the existing  and add new.


To delete an item click on that line and press  the delete button.  



Custom :  These tab have the custom fields  which is created in  allOrders for this particular item.


Comment : You may add any comments/notes related to this item.


ShipTo Locations : Displays the  multiple shipping locations. Currently you cannot  edit a shipping location inside AOM.


Item Status :  Displays the current Quantity Available, available location and Bin details of the selected Item.  For transactions like ShipDoc, Receiving Doc, Transfer etc.. you can use Add Item button to add the items directly from any location.



The item editor opened for Ship Doc, Receiving Doc, Adjustment, Transfer, Customer Return, Vendor Return   have  Quantities, Details, Custom, Item Status



Quantities :  The grid has the  Bin, Quantity and serial number (if the item is serialized)   of the selected item.  To edit,   click on any line. The details will be copied to the boxes on the top of the screen. You can select a different bin from the bin list opened by pressing the  >> button,  scan/ type the serial number if it has one,  change quantity by directly typing in or using the  number panel  button. Press Edit to update the changes to the grid.  To Add a new item select  the Bin from the Bin list, enter/scan serial number, enter quantity and press Add button.


All other tabs  are working as explained above,  except item quantity is moved to Quantity tab from Details.


New totals and other changes   will be updated  in the Transaction details screen accordingly on exit by pressing OK  from the Item editor.