

All lists work in the same fashion.  All transactions and lookup tables in AOM have a list which can be used to quickly find the record you wish to view or edit.  The following are the




Opening a list

The lists are marked with a check mark in the related records icon and are on the right side of a section.


Lists section will give you a list of lookup tables for  


Customers,  (Sales section)

Vendors,      (Purchasing Section)

Items           (Sale, Purchasing, Warehouse, Production sections)


The transaction which are newly created in All Order Mobile and checked out from All Orders such as


Sale Order  

Ship Doc

Customer Returns  (Sales section)


 Purchase Orders

 Receiving Doc

 Vendor Return   (Purchasing section)


 Location Transfers


 Counts      (Warehouse section)


 Work Orders

  Disassemblies  (Production section )



When you press on look up lists such as Customers, Vendors or Items, the corresponding screen is opened  with no records displayed.

To compromise with the limited memory capacities of different hand held devices data will not be loaded until you make a selection with one of the features  'Find' or 'Start With'


When other transaction lists are opened, all the records (newly  created in the device and imported from allOrders) will be displayed. You can use 'Find'  features to search for a record.


Using the Find feature


This will allow you search for a particular word in any field listed in the combo box.  To use this feature first select a filed name form the combo box. For eg: for a Customer list there will be Name,company,Contact, Phone fields to select.

If you select 'All', all the above 4 fields  will be used to search. Now enter the text to search in the bottom text box and press Find. All records having the entered text will be displayed in the bottom panel.

Click the check box  'Show Inactive' to display Inactive records also if any.

Press Rest for a new search.   


Using Start With feature


This feature will allow you to filter your look up list for the First character of the key column. For eg; for a customer list you can filter for Customer Name column.


To use this feature first check the box 'Start With'.  Then select a character from the adjacent combo box.  All the records starting with the selected character of the key column will be listed.


This feature is only available for lookup tables such as  Customers, Vendors, Items, Accounts, Locations & Bins.



Understanding the List Menu


Add : for creating a new Transaction or  Record. - same as  the ADD a new record  icon  from the  section screen

Edit : for editing an existing record. double clicking on a record have the same effect of using this option

Delete : Delete the a record which created in the all Orders Mobile.

Help : to open the help file

Exit : exits the current opened list.


See Also


Adding Items to a transaction