Count Inventory

The work flow for counting inventory is as follows:


  1. A New Count is created in All Orders.

  2. The Count is downloaded to the mobile device referenced by the Count #.

  3. The device is used to count quantities for the downloaded Count.

  4. The user submits the items the quantities counted back to All Orders.

  5. The Count is updated is updated in All Orders to reflect the counts performed on the device.

  6. You Finalize the Count within All Orders as usual.


Step 1 - Log in

Step 2 - Select Your Activity, in this case select Ship Orders.


Step 3 -Count Entry screen


The Count # entered must exists and be un-finalized to be downloaded and updated:


All Orders Inventory Count Header


Scan or type the # of the existing Count. Click GO to download the Count's information and open the Count View Screen. Click Reset to clear out the entered number and start over. Click Change Activity to go back to the Select Your Activity screen.


Count Entry Screen


Step 4 - Count View screen


After the Count has been downloaded to the device you will see the Count View Screen.


Count View Screen


You will see the Count # and the location which is going to have it's inventory quantities counted.


Click Perform Count to go to the Count Item screen and begin counting quantities.


Click Submit Count after you have finished counting your inventory quantities to upload the quantities that have been counted to All Orders and update the existing Count to reflect what has been counted.


Click Change Count to cancel the counting and go back to the Count Entry screen.


Click See Count Items to view the Count Items List screen. Using this screen you can view all the items that can be counted along with the Lot/Serial #s, the new quantity which has been counted, the current quantity before the count took place (if the current user has permission to view current quantities while counting) and the difference between the current quantity and the newly counted quantity. A Bin, Item and count status can be specified at the top of the screen to filter the list. After specifying this information click Filter to filter the list. Click Clear to remove an existing filter. Click the Perform Count to go to the Count Item screen. Highlight an item in the list and click Go To Item to edit the count for that specific item. Highlight an item and click Delete Count to delete the count for only the selected item.


Count Items List


Step 6 - Count Item Screen


From the Count View screen, click Perform Count to open the Count Item Screen.


Count Item Screen

Auto scan and auto check

Check the Auto Scan box if you are going to be scanning with a bar code reader on the device and want to increment the quantity counted by 1 each time a scan is performed. Be sure to set your escape character on your scanner to be a Tab to ensure it functions properly. Leave Auto Scan unchecked if you would like to enter the item name manually, select non default bins, or need to manually enter quantities. You can still scan the item by placing the cursor in the Item entry field and then scanning the bar code. Once the Item entry field has an item name or bar code entered, a bin has been selected (if the item is not being counted in the default bin), and a Lot/Serial # has been specified (if the current item has lot/serials #s) click the Check button to bring up the New Qty entry field. If the current user has permission the Current Quantity will also be displayed for reference purposes. Click Save & New to save the new quantity that has been specified for the item/bin/lot # and to count another item. Click OK to save the new quantity and exit the screen. Click Cancel to clear the count that is currently being performed without saving and exit the screen.

Check the Auto Check box (not shown above) to automatically perform the function performed when you click the Check button.  The Check button will bring up the New Qty entry field. If the current user has permission the Current Quantity will also be displayed for reference purposes. Click Save & New to save the new quantity that has been specified for the item/bin/lot # and to count another item. Click OK to save the new quantity and exit the screen. Click Cancel to clear the count that is currently being performed without saving and exit the screen.