Picking Sales Orders


The work flow for picking sales orders is as follows:


  1. A Sales Order is created within All Orders as usual.

  2. The Sales Order is downloaded to the mobile device.

  3. The device is used to pick items for that order.

  4. The user submits the items that were picked back to All Orders.

  5. The Ship Doc is generated  in All Orders against the picked Sales Order.




Step 1 - Log in

Step 2 - Select Your Activity, in this case select Ship Orders.


Step 3 - Sales Orders Entry Screen


Sales Order #s entered must exist in All Orders with unshipped quantities to be downloaded and picked:


All Orders Sales Order Header


Scan or type up to 5 Sales Order #s. Click GO to download the order and open the Sales Order List Screen. Click Reset to clear out all of the entered numbers and start over. Click Change Activity to go back to the Select Your Activity screen.


Sales Order Entry Screen


Hint: Design a Pick List template with the sales order # as a bar code.


Step 4 - Sales Order List Screen


After the Sales Orders have been downloaded to the device you will see the Sales Order List.


Sales Order List Screen


You will see columns for the order #, customer and status.  There are three status as follows:



Click Start Picking to go to the Pick Items Screen and begin picking the orders.


Click Submit Picks after you have finished picking the order to upload the picks to All Orders and generate Ship Docs which reflect what has been picked.


Click Abandon Picks to cancel the picks and go back to the Sales Order Entry Screen.


You can highlight one of the rows on the grid (a triangle will show on the left) then click View Lines to view the Sales Order Line Item List Screen. Using this screen you can view all the line items that need picking and how many have already been picked for the selected Sales Order.   You can also click Go To Pick to open the Pick Items Screen and start picking the order or click Order List to go back to the Sales Order List Screen.  


Sales Order Line Item List Screen




Step 5 - Pick Items Screen


From the Sales Order List, click Start Picking to open the Pick Items Screen.


Pick Items Screen


The top portion of the screen is split up in 3 panels



Scrolling through the bins will show where in your warehouse the items are located and available for picking. Use the arrows next to the bins to scroll through them. Scrolling through the bins will also change the Item panel.  When you pick an item it will take the inventory from the currently selected bin. Click on the Avail. button to view more details on availability. In addition, if the current item has Lot/Serial #s, clicking the Avail. button will display the Lot/Serial #s that are currently available for picking and allow you to manually pick them.


Scrolling through the items will change the item that is currently being picked. Click  Tot. Reqd. (Total Required) to view all of the line items that need to be picked for all sales orders on the Sales Order List which have been downloaded for the current picking session for the currently selected item. Click Tot. Pckd. (Total Picked) to view the Pick List Screen. This screen will show all of the line items that have already been picked for all of the downloaded orders for the currently selected item.


Pick List Screen


Scrolling through the Order Panel will change the sales order that is currently being picked. Reqd. (Required) will display how many unit are required by the currently selected line item on the currently selected order. Pckd. (Picked) will display the current quantity that has been picked for the currently selected line item on the currently selected order.


The bottom portion of the screen is used for scanning and entering pick information. Check the AutoScan box if you are going to be scanning with a bar code reader on the device and want to increment the quantity picked by 1 each time a scan is performed. Be sure to set your escape character on your scanner to be a Tab to ensure it functions properly. Leave AutoScan unchecked if you would like to enter the item name manually or need to manually enter quantities. You can still scan the item by placing the cursor in the Scan Item entry field and then scanning the bar code. Once the Scan Item entry field has an item name or bar code entered and the quantity field has a valid quantity, click the Pick! button to perform the pick. This will 'Ship' the specified quantity for the specified line item once the pick is submitted to All Orders.


If the currently selected item has Lot/Serial #s the bottom portion of the screen will look like this:



You will be required to either scan or manually enter a Lot/Serial # before a pick can be performed on any item that has Lot/Serial #s.


As you are scanning, scroll through the items and then the orders in the top portion of the screen using the appropriate arrows until you are finished performing all of your picks.  Click Order List when you are ready to return to the Sales Order List Screen to review your picks and then either submit or abandon them.