This Agreement describes the entire terms and conditions for participation in the NumberCruncher.com, Inc. Referral Program. In this agreement, NumberCruncher.com, Inc is referred to as "NumberCruncher".
In this agreement, the term "Affiliate" refers to you (the applicant), and "sponsoring Web site" refers to the Web site from which you will link to NumberCruncher. Wherever the agreement refers to "you" or "your", it means "the Affiliate"; "we" or "our" refer to NumberCruncher. You Agree to following
The commission rate you are receiving may vary depending on the product that is sold as follows:
Commissions are payable on the gross revenue on from new or existing customers that were referred to NumberCruncher from your site. Gross revenue only includes cash collected via credit card and does not include sales tax charges or shipping.
The affiliate program may change at any time and without prior notice.
NumberCruncher will send out payments, by Check, on a quarterly basis. Payments with a value higher than the minimum amount of $100 will be sent. If the payment amount is less than the set minimum, the payment will carry over to the next pay period until it passes the minimum amount.
If a sale is later refunded to the customer or charged back by the customer, the referral fee will be deducted from the next weekly payment sent to the Affiliate. If there is no next regular payment, the Affiliate will be billed.
NumberCruncher will be solely responsible for processing every subscription order placed by a customer on the Affiliates Pages. Payment processing, renewal payment processing, cancellations and refund processing, and related customer service are the responsibility of NumberCruncher.
NumberCruncher reserves the right to reject any sale that does not comply with our rules, operating procedures and policies.
As an affiliate site, you have access to banner advertisements, button links, text links and several other promotional tools such as newsletter and articles to our sites. These promotional tools carry our name or that of our partners so the use of each has to abide by this agreement. As an Affiliate Site, you shall display Links throughout your site as you see fit. You may not alter, modify or expand the Links in any way; provided, a Link may be modified and/or expanded with our written consent. Each Link connecting users of your site to our site may not alter the look, feel or functionality of our site. We may monitor your site at any time and from time to time to determine if you are in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. We will be responsible for providing all information necessary to allow you to make appropriate Links from your site to our site. However, we reserve the right to approve and to prohibit all Links.
NumberCruncher will be solely responsible for tracking sales. Statements of sales activity will be provided to the Affiliate. To protect NumberCruncher's customer privacy, the names or other personal information about specific customers will never be provided to the Affiliate.
The price charged for product and services sold under this program will be determined by NumberCruncher according to our own pricing policies. Prices may vary from time to time. NumberCruncher policies will always determine the price paid by the customer.
This program is intended for commercial use only, that is paying referral fees for subscriptions sold to third parties coming from a link from your sponsoring Web site to the Affiliate Pages.
NumberCruncher will make every effort to keep its Web site operational. However, certain technical difficulties may, from time to time, result in temporary service interruptions. The Affiliate agrees not to hold NumberCruncher liable for any of the consequences of such interruptions.
The Affiliate may receive payments on orders that are placed during the term of this agreement. This term will begin on the date of signup, and shall end when canceled by either party as provided below.
All mailing lists should be opt-in lists. Affiliate is responsible for maintaining their own email lists.
NumberCruncher reserves the right to change any of the terms and conditions in this agreement, at any time and in its sole discretion, by posting a new agreement on our Web site. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, referral fee schedules and all other provisions of this agreement are subject to change without notice other than posting such information on our Web site.
Either NumberCruncher or the Affiliate, acting in their sole discretion, may choose to cancel this agreement at any time by written notice of cancellation to the other.
NumberCruncher makes no warranties, representations or conditions in regards to the program or, as expressly set forth in NumberCruncher current sales policies, any product or service sold there under, whether express or implied, arising by law or otherwise, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement or any implied warranty arising out of course of performance, course of dealing or usage of trade.
NumberCruncher shall have no liability for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or any loss of revenue or profits arising under or with respect to this agreement or the program, even if NumberCruncher has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Further, NumberCruncher's aggregate liability arising under or with respect to this agreement or the program shall in no event exceed the total referral fees paid or payable by NumberCruncher to Affiliate under this agreement.
Affiliate and NumberCruncher are independent contractors and nothing in this agreement is intended to or will create any form of partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative or employment relationship between the parties. Affiliate shall not assign this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of NumberCruncher. Subject to the foregoing restriction, this agreement is binding upon, insures to the benefit of and is enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns.
As an affiliate you will not be entitled to a Commission from us for any sale,
that we determine or reasonably suspect is the result of fraudulent activity. We
reserve the right to block any payment or account that we feel not authentic. We
have the right, in its sole and exclusive discretion, at any time to expand or
modify what constitutes possible fraudulent activity. Without limiting the
foregoing, possible fraudulent activity shall include: